ImmunoTools GmbH

Excellent quality - advantageously priced




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Annexin V


Flow Cytometer


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Special Offer for New or Prospective Customers

If you are a new or prospective customer we would like to offer you 2 different promotions:

a) Samples of Annexin V FITC,  PE and APC for free, but not more than 2
b) 1 sample of 2 different cytokines of your choice for free.

All samples are no articles for sale - they are different sized and will be sent if available.
Even the transportation is free for customers within the European Union.
Overseas customers: Because of international customs restrictions and high costs of overseas-transportation please contact us to find a possibility for you to get this offer as well.

Just send an email with your wish of promotion and the delivery address to

We will keep you up with innovations concerning our range of products, special offers and free sales campaigns.
ImmunoTools, your partner for recombinant factors, monoclonal antibodies and ELISA