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Social Projects

ImmunoTools supports social projects all over the world.

Pig Rearing Project as Source of Income for Poor Families
In the province Chiang Rai, the so-called “GOLDEN TRIANGLE” of the countries Laos, Myanmar and Thailand
there are many poor people in the mountain territories, mostly expelled from neighbouring countries. Survival is difficult in these partly very cliffy mountains, where the areas for agricultural use are limited. We want to provide a reasonable alternative for the cultivation of opium poppy by systematically supporting very poor families, single women and elder people in achieving their own income in a sustainable way.
The aim of the project is to iniciate the sustainable pig keeping. The one-off support of a sustainable pig keeping for one poor family costs around 200 EUR.This includes a start-up-package containing 3 piglets (20 kg each) and the support of the constuction of a pig-home.
The GESINAS-Foundation in cooperation with ImmunoTools GmbH is involved in the coordination, training and regular support of these families, if it is possible to find one or more donors for one start-up-package
For further information please click here.


Piglet Breeding helps Khaodee-Orphange
The Khaodee Orphanage is located in the province Chiang Rai, in the so-called “GOLDEN TRIANGLE“ of the countries Laos, Myanmar and Thailand. The region is infamous for the cultivation of opium poppy and the making of heroine.
The aim of the project “Piglet Breeding helps the Khaodee Orphange” is to breed piglets on the grounds of the orphanage and then sell them with a weight of 20 kg.
The Khaodee Orphanage is already experienced in breeding piglets and therefore owns an appropriate pig-home with spacious stabling. Unfortunately, some of the important breeding sows of the last generations have died of an animal disease and the orphanage has no money to buy new pigs. We want to build up the breeding stock with six particularly tough and useful breeding sows by providing a one-off support to help the orphanage gain income by selling the piglets. We need 250 Euro for one breeding sow (a total of 1500 Euro for six animals). The GESINAS-Foundation in cooperation with ImmunoTools GmbH will take its share in the coordination, the further training in pig-keeping and pig-breeding, information about pig diseases and in regular medical treatment of the breeding sows and their piglets.
For further information please click here

The BEA-Foundation donated completely this project with 1500 EUR directly after its announcement.We and the children and the staff from Khaodee-Orphanage thank BEA-Stiftung and Beatrix Ackermann very much for this generous donation.


Honey Production for and with Indigene GUARANĖ
Guaranė are native South-Americans living in the province Misiones in Argentina. By the tropical and subtropical deforestation they completely lost their living environment, their related culture and traditions. Frankly speaking, they are deracinated, without water supply, sufficient health care and future prospects.
The aim of the project "Honey Production for and with Indigene GUARANĖ" is to give these people the chance to take also financial advantages out of the honey production and trade. The beekeeping and collection of honey in cooperation with local peasants shall help them to increase their standard of living and improve or even enable the education of their children and/or grandchildren.
A bee colony with a big wooden bee hive, manufactured in an own carpentry, costs 100 Euro. The GESINAS-Foundation in cooperation with ImmunoTools GmbH is involved in the regular support if it is possible to find one or more donors for the acquisition of about 1900 bee colonies including a bee hive.
For further information please click here

The first 100 EUR for this project were already donated shortly after its announcement.  We and the GUARANĖ thank the donors very much for this generous donation.


Aquaponics System for a Children’s Home in MAE NA CHORN
The children's home MAE NA CHORN runs a farm which provides most of the food needed for daily life for its 50 children and teenagers. Pig breeding and the production of hen's and duck's eggs are the principal sources of a small income to pay for all that cannot be produced on the farm and for medical treatment.
The crop of vegetable gardening is poor, because the plants wither on the stony fields in the hills nearby, although there is enough organic fertilizer out of the stock breeding. That's the reason why we want to increase the crop of vegetable gardening by an aquaponics system.
The aim of the project is to supply the children's home a similar aquaponics system like the one at a children's home in MAE HAE – about an hour's drive away.
The estimated costs of an aquaponics system are 2000 EUR.
Half of the costs, in this case 1000 Euro, will be covered by the GESINAS-Foundation supported by the ImmunoTools GmbH, if a donor can be found for the outstanding 1000 EUR.
For further information please click here.

The first donors have been Professor Stephan Grabbe and his wife Sabine Homann-Grabbe who donated the necessary 1000 EUR for this project directly after its announcement.
We and the children from MAE NA CHORN  thank them very much for this generous donation.


Water Pump for a Children´s Home in MAE LA NOI
The children's home in MAE LA NOI  accommodates 10 teenagers. Until now they were able to scoop their fresh water from a nearby reservoir. The water was collected in a tank and then cleared to drinking water with the help of a BioSandFilter.
Unfortunately, the reservoir was worn out by a long drought. This is not likely to change during the next years, even if the reservoir should temporarily provide water again after rainy seasons.
The aim of the current project is to equip the children's home with a water pump to lift water from lower areas to where it is so urgently needed.
The estimated costs of a pump are 960 EUR.
Half of the costs, in this case 480 Euro, will be covered by the GESINAS-Foundation supported by the ImmunoTools GmbH, if a donor can be found for the outstanding 480 EUR.
For further information please click here.

For this project, too, the first donors have been Prof Stephan Grabbe and his wife Sabine Homann-Grabbe who donated the necessary 480 EUR for this project directly after its announcement.
We and the children from MAE LA NOI  thank them very much for this generous donation.


Providing clean drinking water with the help of BioSandFilters:
Clean drinking water is the precondition for life and human life and it is still one of the most important challenges to guarantee access to clean water. A lot of people have no choice but drink polluted and contaminated water of poor quality from rivers, ponds and other water points contaminated with bacteria. For this reason, people are exposed to sickness or even death.
The ImmunoTools GmbH supports the installation of special BioSand Filters (BSF). Originally, the concept has been developed by a Canadian University and then has been spread all over the world by a Canadian foundation. These filters not only produce clean water but also reduce the use of wood used to boil water before use. So, people are no more exposed to smoke.
Example: BioSandFilters by RainTree Foundation in Thailand sponsored by ImmunoTools GmbH                   (Information in pdf)

Here some pictures of the 13 donated BioSandFilters in Thailand
To see the pictures please click here

We cooperate closely with GESINAS Foundation.
For more information about GESINAS please click here.